Met Chivan

6,90 €*

Tempi di consegna 2-5 giorni

Codice prodotto: 988518
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Info sui prodotti "Met Chivan"

Mead Thor's Tears (0,75l) 10% vol.

A tasty mead with added hemp aroma that yields a special sweet and aromatic note.

Ingredients: honey, water, hemp aroma, artificial colouring

Please note that we are only allowed to ship alcohol within Germany.

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Mead Viking Blood
Mead "Wikinger-Blut" (Viking blood) (0.75l) 6% vol.The addition of pure cherry juice lends this mead a bold and fruity taste. The flavours of honey and cherry are well-balanced in this drink.Ingredients: honey, water, cherry juice Please note that we are only allowed to ship alcohol within Germany.

6,90 €*
Mead Pirate's Blood
Mead "Piratenblut" (Pirate's Blood) (0.75l) 11% vol.The perfect taste of mead rounded off with marvelously fruity currant wine.A great flavour experience for all those who like love the taste of honey as well as refreshing currant flavour.Ingredients: honey mead, currant wine, water Please note that we are only allowed to ship alcohol within Germany.

6,90 €*
Mead Fiery Dragon
Feuriger Drache (Fiery Dragon) (0,75l) 10% vol.Granted, you're not going to breathe fire, but we guarantee you a fiery experience for your taste buds! A combination of spicy herbs, honey and hibiscus flower will make the hearts of all those who enjoy "hot" mead beat faster.Ingredients: water, honey, fiery spice mix, hibiscus flower Please note that we are only allowed to ship alcohol within Germany.

6,90 €*
Mead Elven Magic
Elfenzauber (Elven Magic) (0.75l) 10% vol.This honey mead was bottled with a precious bourbon vanilla pod, yielding a full flavour and interesting aroma for all those who enjoy the taste of vanilla.Ingredients: honey, water, vanilla pod Please note that we are only allowed to ship alcohol within Germany.

7,90 €*
Gold Quality Grasso per Cuoio
La pelle è un materiale molto versatile con molte proprietà diverse. Scarpe, accessori e armature possono durare, se mantenuti, per molti anni. L'efficacia del grasso per pelle "Gold Qualities" è definita dalla sua alta percentuale di cera d'api - questo è un altro motivo per cui pulisce la tua pelle così bene. Penetra profondamente nel cuoio e lo sigilla da sporco e umidità. Strofinare delicatamente sul cuoio usando una spazzola o un panno morbido. Dopo un breve tempo di permanenza, il grasso in eccesso viene spazzolato via; un eccesso di grasso comporterà una saturazione; il grasso superfluo può essere rimosso. Il tuo prodotto in pelle ti farà rendere conto quando ne applicherai troppo: ti consigliamo di applicare meno grasso, ma più spesso. Non solo la pelle può essere trattata con questo grasso, ma consigliamo di pulire le armature d'acciaio con la ruggine leggera o lucidare i corni. Anche gli articoli in legno traggono beneficio dalle cere d'api. Saranno protetti in modo efficace e riceveranno una nuova lucentezza. Materiale: vaselina, olio di midollo osseo, cera d'api autentica Colore: naturale Volume: 190 ml

8,90 €*

I clienti hanno acquistato anche

Mead Fiery Dragon
Feuriger Drache (Fiery Dragon) (0,75l) 10% vol.Granted, you're not going to breathe fire, but we guarantee you a fiery experience for your taste buds! A combination of spicy herbs, honey and hibiscus flower will make the hearts of all those who enjoy "hot" mead beat faster.Ingredients: water, honey, fiery spice mix, hibiscus flower Please note that we are only allowed to ship alcohol within Germany.

6,90 €*
Mead Elven Magic
Elfenzauber (Elven Magic) (0.75l) 10% vol.This honey mead was bottled with a precious bourbon vanilla pod, yielding a full flavour and interesting aroma for all those who enjoy the taste of vanilla.Ingredients: honey, water, vanilla pod Please note that we are only allowed to ship alcohol within Germany.

7,90 €*
Mead Viking Blood
Mead "Wikinger-Blut" (Viking blood) (0.75l) 6% vol.The addition of pure cherry juice lends this mead a bold and fruity taste. The flavours of honey and cherry are well-balanced in this drink.Ingredients: honey, water, cherry juice Please note that we are only allowed to ship alcohol within Germany.

6,90 €*
Mead Geistertrunk (Ghosts' Drink)
A mild mixed drink with mead and a characteristic lemon flavour.The fruity variation of the honey-based classic: flavoured with lemon/lime, this mead is a perfect summer drink for hot days. Most refreshing when served chilled.Ingredients: honey, water, yeast, colorant, flavour10 Vol% in a 0,75 bottle Please note that we are only allowed to ship alcohol within Germany.

6,90 €*
Honey mead off-dry
Honey mead "Feinherb" (off-dry) (0,75l) 12% vol.This mead variation is intended for those who enjoy a fresh and tart flavour in combination with a fine honey taste.Ingredients: honey, water Please note that we are only allowed to ship alcohol within Germany.

6,50 €*