Malik II sabre

159,90 €*

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Codice prodotto: 963249
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Info sui prodotti "Malik II sabre"
The Malik has been remastered to give it a Gunmetal Blue handle with a black grip. Wieldable with one or both hands, a guard which can easily disarm the adversary, this weapon has everything to satisfy you. To give it a sharper look, it was combined it with Calimacil's curved shark fin blade painted steel with silver edges.

Weight (g): 425
Total Length (cm): 95
Blade Length (cm): 82
Blade Thickness (cm): 2
Blade color: Steel
Handle length (cm): 21
Grip length (cm): 13
Material: fiberglass, Calimacil Foam
All articles of the manufacturer "Calimacil" are handmade in a small manufactory in Canada. We try to keep all items in stock at all times, but unfortunately we may wait up to 10 weeks for items that are out of stock. 
Disclaimer: All the articles shown here have been specially developed for the safe representation of fights in LARP, on theatre stages or similar. The foam weapons consist of a glass fibre core, which is completely wrapped with soft foam to avoid injury.

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